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Giant Pacific Octopus Enteroctopus dofleini
Giant Pacific octopuses are cephalopods (meaning “head-foot”) and are related to squid and cuttlefish.
Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas
Green sea turtles need to be close to the sun to stay warm, you can find them swimming in shallow waters near the surface or laying on land.
Ringed Seal Pusa hispida
Ringed seals are the smallest seal species. Their name was given due to the light-colored circular patterns that appear on their backs.
Blacktip Reef Shark Carcharhinus melanopterus
You can find a blacktip reef shark swimming shallow waters, sometimes showing off their black tip. Learn more with this ocean wildlife factsheet.
Clownfish Amphiprioninae
Clownfish live in a symbiotic relationship with their host anemone. Dive in and learn more about the clownfish with this ocean wildlife factsheet.
Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea
Arctic Terns have one of the longest known migration routes, traveling up to 90,000 km in one year. Learn more with this Arctic Tern wildlife factsheet.
Polar Cod Boreogadus saida
Polar cod are one of the most abundant fish in the circumpolar Arctic, occurring in all corners of the region in icy, sub-zero waters.
Brittle Star Ophiuroidea
The brittle star's mouth contains not one, not two, but five jaws.
Lionfish Pterois volitans and P. miles
Lionfish are originally from the S. Pacific & Indian Oceans. Now, their invaded range includes the Western Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Ocean & Gulf of Mexico.
Whale Shark Rhincodon typus
Whale sharks are sharks, meaning they are fish. As filter feeders, they swim through the water with their mouths open and suck out nutrients and plankton.
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